
這首歌來自於麥爾斯(C. Austin Miles,1868-1946)最著名的一首聖詩。 麥爾斯當時,聖經正好打開在他所喜愛的約翰福音廿章,他讀到馬利亞,約翰和彼得先後前往墓園,發現耶穌已復活的故事,霎時間他彷彿身臨其境,看到抹大拉馬利亞見到耶穌那幕驚喜的場面,聽到他們的對談。 一時靈感觸發,寫下了這首詩,且當晚就譜上了曲調。



I come to the garden alone 獨步徘徊在花園裏
While the dew is still on the roses 玫瑰花尚有晶瑩朝露
And the voice I hear falling on my ear 忽有溫柔聲傳入我耳中
⋯⋯The son of God discloses 乃是神子主耶穌

And He walks with me 祂與我同行
And He talks with me 又與我共話
And He tells me I am His own 對我說我單屬於祂
And the joy we share as we tarry there 心靈真快樂與主在園中
None other has ever known 前無人曾經歷過

I'd stay in the garden with Him 我甚願與主留在園中
Though the night around me be falling 天色將暗夜幕漸垂
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe 但主命我去懇切呼召我
His voice to me is calling. 要我心向祂順從

And He walks with me 祂與我同行
And He talks with me 又與我共話
And He tells me I am His own 對我說我單屬於祂
And the joy we share as we tarry there 心靈真快樂與主在園中
None other has ever known 前無人曾經歷過

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